How will the actions within the master plan be funded ?

    The implementation of the draft masterplan currently doesn't have an allocated budget. 

    It will require Council budget allocation, grant funding and contributions from community groups and organisations that will have direct benefit from the improvements.

    What is the purpose of a master plan?

    A master plan helps guide future decision making and determination of resource allocation for asset development and maintenance works.

    A master plan provides guidance for Council to ensure future developments of facilities support increased participation, fiscally responsible investment, and considers current and future recreational needs. 

    Why a draft master plan and not a blank canvas?

    It is important that a master plan links to existing Council plans and strategies, and is responsive to community expectations, as well as being achievable, realistic and attainable within Council’s budgetary framework. 

    By developing a draft based on these elements and consultation with key stakeholders and user groups, the draft provides a framework for the broader community to further develop and provide input on.

    Which stakeholders did we engage with to prepare the draft plan

    The list of stakeholders engaged included: 

    Rutherglen Recreation Reserve and Public Park COM 

    Rutherglen High School 

    Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action 

    Rutherglen Primary School 

    Rutherglen Golf Club 

    St. Mary’s Primary School 

    Rutherglen Little Athletics 

    Rutherglen Kindergarten 

    Rutherglen Men's Shed 

    Indigo North Health 

    Rutherglen Agricultural Society  

    North East Water 

    Rutherglen Tennis Club 

    Rutherglen Caravan Park Management 

    Rutherglen Bowls Club 

    Rutherglen Swimming Pool  

    Rutherglen Badminton Club 

    Rutherglen Wine Show 

    Sport North East 

    Community Gardens Advocate 

    Rutherglen Swimming Club 

    Arts Rutherglen 

    Rutherglen CFA and Rutherglen SES 

    Winemakers of Rutherglen 

    Rutherglen Cricket Club 

    Rutherglen Rumble/Outdoor Cinema 

    Rutherglen RSL 

    Off-Leash Dog Park Advocate