October 2021

Perkins Architects appointed to engage with the community and key stakeholders to identify a new Early Years Hub site in Beechworth and develop concept designs

August 2022

Perkins Architects presents to the Beechworth Childcare and Beechworth Kindergarten committees

  • A project summary and future demand information
  • An overview of the Site Identification Process of the different sites that had been analysed through a 5-point scaling system.
  • An overview of three potential options and the costs of each option 
August 2022

Beechworth Early Hub Feasibility Report developed

March 2023

Community working group appointed to refine options and develop report and recommendations to Council

05 June 2023

First Community Working Group Meeting

10 July 2023

Second Community Working Group Meeting

July 2023

Third Community Working Group Meeting (TBC)

July 2023

Fourth Community Working Group Meeting (TBC)

August 2023

On exhibition period for broader community input on draft report and recommendations