Beechworth Early Years Planning Project

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We're working with a community working group to identify a suitable location for a new childcare facility for babies and toddlers in Beechworth based on the Beechworth Early Years Hub Feasibility Report.


One of the key priorities in our Early Years Strategy is to advocate for suitable facilities and infrastructure for the Beechworth Childcare and Kindergarten.

In 2021, an assessment of the future demand for these services in Beechworth found an immediate unmet childcare demand for babies and toddlers, so we're actively working with the childcare and kindergarten committees and the broader community to identify a suitable location for these services.

In August 2022, Perkins Architects presented to the Beechworth Childcare and Beechworth Kindergarten committees:

  • A project summary and future demand information
  • An overview of the Site Identification Process of the different sites that had been analysed by scoring each of the 10 site assessment criteria out of 5.
  • An overview of three potential options and the costs of each option

From this, the Beechworth Early Years Hub Feasibility Report was developed.

Community Working group and next steps

Through an expression of interest process, a Community Working Group was established in March 2023 to review the Beechworth Feasibility report, consider the potential locations for a Beechworth Early Years Hub and provide a report and recommendations to Council. It is made up of people from the following groups:

  • Beechworth Community Early Years Learning Centre
  • Beechworth Kindergarten
  • St Joseph’s Primary School
  • Beechworth Primary School
  • Department of Education and Training
  • Community representatives

Community Vibe has been engaged to facilitate the working group meetings and will work with the community working group to provide a final report to Council detailing the preferred site and management model.

Broader community consultation

Further information regarding broader community consultation will be provided here as the working group process progresses.

We're working with a community working group to identify a suitable location for a new childcare facility for babies and toddlers in Beechworth based on the Beechworth Early Years Hub Feasibility Report.


One of the key priorities in our Early Years Strategy is to advocate for suitable facilities and infrastructure for the Beechworth Childcare and Kindergarten.

In 2021, an assessment of the future demand for these services in Beechworth found an immediate unmet childcare demand for babies and toddlers, so we're actively working with the childcare and kindergarten committees and the broader community to identify a suitable location for these services.

In August 2022, Perkins Architects presented to the Beechworth Childcare and Beechworth Kindergarten committees:

  • A project summary and future demand information
  • An overview of the Site Identification Process of the different sites that had been analysed by scoring each of the 10 site assessment criteria out of 5.
  • An overview of three potential options and the costs of each option

From this, the Beechworth Early Years Hub Feasibility Report was developed.

Community Working group and next steps

Through an expression of interest process, a Community Working Group was established in March 2023 to review the Beechworth Feasibility report, consider the potential locations for a Beechworth Early Years Hub and provide a report and recommendations to Council. It is made up of people from the following groups:

  • Beechworth Community Early Years Learning Centre
  • Beechworth Kindergarten
  • St Joseph’s Primary School
  • Beechworth Primary School
  • Department of Education and Training
  • Community representatives

Community Vibe has been engaged to facilitate the working group meetings and will work with the community working group to provide a final report to Council detailing the preferred site and management model.

Broader community consultation

Further information regarding broader community consultation will be provided here as the working group process progresses.

Page last updated: 29 Jun 2023, 02:38 PM