What are Regionally Prohibited, Regionally Controlled and Restricted Weeds?

    Regionally prohibited weeds are not widely distributed in a region but are capable of spreading further. It is reasonable to expect that they can be eradicated from a region and they must be managed with that goal. Land owners, including public authorities responsible for crown land management, must take all reasonable steps to eradicate regionally prohibited weeds on their land.

    Regionally controlled weeds are invasive plants that are usually widespread in a region. To prevent their spread, ongoing control measures are required. Land owners have the responsibility to take all reasonable steps to prevent the growth and spread of regionally controlled weeds on their land.

    Restricted weeds are plants that pose an unacceptable risk of spreading in Victoria and are a serious threat to another state or territory of Australia. Trade in these weeds and their propagules (either as plants, seeds or contaminants in other materials) is prohibited.

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