Draft Recreation Reserve Master Plans

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Consultation process

We invited community members to review and make submissions on our draft Recreation Reserve Master Plans for 30 days following the December 2023 Council meeting.

This opportunity for input closed on Wednesday 31 January 2024.


In late 2021, we were fortunate to secure $30,000 from Sport and Recreation Victoria’s 2021/22 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund Planning stream to develop a master plan for the four previously mentioned recreation reserves. Council also contributed $40,000.

From September to December 2023, we sought community feedback on each draft plan following extensive research and consultation with key stakeholders and user groups.

Consultation process

We invited community members to review and make submissions on our draft Recreation Reserve Master Plans for 30 days following the December 2023 Council meeting.

This opportunity for input closed on Wednesday 31 January 2024.


In late 2021, we were fortunate to secure $30,000 from Sport and Recreation Victoria’s 2021/22 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund Planning stream to develop a master plan for the four previously mentioned recreation reserves. Council also contributed $40,000.

From September to December 2023, we sought community feedback on each draft plan following extensive research and consultation with key stakeholders and user groups.

What did we hear?

No submissions were received during the 30-day public exhibition period.

Page last updated: 01 Feb 2024, 02:34 PM