Imagine Indigo

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In January 2021, we worked with you, our community to develop a 10-year Community Vision.

We’re now undertaking a review of the Vision to ensure it continues to reflect the aspirations and priorities identified by you before we commence work on a new four-year Council Plan.


The Local Government Act 2020 suggests a Community Vision should have an outlook of at least 10-years and describe the community’s social, economic, cultural, and environmental aspirations for the future.

When we set about developing a Community Vision for Indigo Shire, we started the conversation by asking the community two simple questions:

  1. What are your long-term hopes, dreams and aspirations for Indigo Shire? and;
  2. What are the key areas you want Council to focus on over the next four years and beyond?

We also asked community members to share with us what they see as the Shire’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

This word cloud captures what we heard. We then grouped the feedback into themes and developed a set of vision statements.

What we’re asking you to do

We want you to review the existing vision statements and tell us if they’re hitting or missing the mark and where you believe Council needs to maintain or shift its focus.

We will use your feedback to update the Community Vision, which will then help to shape the strategic priorities and directions in the next four-year Council Plan to be adopted in June 2025.

To participate, simply click on the survey below.


Prior to completing our survey you'll be asked to register with Engaged Indigo.

Registration is quick and easy and will make it easier for you to participate in projects that interest you.

We ask for your name and email address and a few other details such as gender, age and location so that we can better understand who we're hearing from and make sure we get a broad cross section of our community. It also ensures discussions and results are not manipulated by someone leaving multiple comments to support their own position.

For transparency, your feedback may be published as part of reporting, however, we respect your privacy and all identifying information will be removed and your feedback kept anonymous.

In January 2021, we worked with you, our community to develop a 10-year Community Vision.

We’re now undertaking a review of the Vision to ensure it continues to reflect the aspirations and priorities identified by you before we commence work on a new four-year Council Plan.


The Local Government Act 2020 suggests a Community Vision should have an outlook of at least 10-years and describe the community’s social, economic, cultural, and environmental aspirations for the future.

When we set about developing a Community Vision for Indigo Shire, we started the conversation by asking the community two simple questions:

  1. What are your long-term hopes, dreams and aspirations for Indigo Shire? and;
  2. What are the key areas you want Council to focus on over the next four years and beyond?

We also asked community members to share with us what they see as the Shire’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

This word cloud captures what we heard. We then grouped the feedback into themes and developed a set of vision statements.

What we’re asking you to do

We want you to review the existing vision statements and tell us if they’re hitting or missing the mark and where you believe Council needs to maintain or shift its focus.

We will use your feedback to update the Community Vision, which will then help to shape the strategic priorities and directions in the next four-year Council Plan to be adopted in June 2025.

To participate, simply click on the survey below.


Prior to completing our survey you'll be asked to register with Engaged Indigo.

Registration is quick and easy and will make it easier for you to participate in projects that interest you.

We ask for your name and email address and a few other details such as gender, age and location so that we can better understand who we're hearing from and make sure we get a broad cross section of our community. It also ensures discussions and results are not manipulated by someone leaving multiple comments to support their own position.

For transparency, your feedback may be published as part of reporting, however, we respect your privacy and all identifying information will be removed and your feedback kept anonymous.

  • Take Survey
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Page last updated: 04 Jun 2024, 11:56 AM