Baarmutha Park Lighting

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About this project

We're upgrading the lighting at Beechworth's Baarmutha Park to AFL standards and replacing the halogen lights with LED.

Why is this project being undertaken?

The upgrade will bring the facility up to AFL standards for competition and will encourage more participation by offering enhanced playing conditions for footballers as well as cricketers.

How is it being funded?

This project is being funded through Sport and Recreation Victoria’s 2022 Local Sport Infrastructure Fund Community Facilities Stream.

Funding ContributorAmount
Sport and Recreation Victoria$220,313
Indigo Shire Council$101,215.50
Beechworth Football Club$32,778.50
Beechworth Cricket Club$5,000

What is happening and when?

Works commenced in March and scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2024.

What will be the impact of these works?

The existing oval lighting will remain operational, until the new lights have been installed and commissioned, at which point the existing floodlighting infrastructure will be decommissioned. All construction activities will be coordinated in consultation with representatives of the relevant clubs to minimise disruption during this period.

About this project

We're upgrading the lighting at Beechworth's Baarmutha Park to AFL standards and replacing the halogen lights with LED.

Why is this project being undertaken?

The upgrade will bring the facility up to AFL standards for competition and will encourage more participation by offering enhanced playing conditions for footballers as well as cricketers.

How is it being funded?

This project is being funded through Sport and Recreation Victoria’s 2022 Local Sport Infrastructure Fund Community Facilities Stream.

Funding ContributorAmount
Sport and Recreation Victoria$220,313
Indigo Shire Council$101,215.50
Beechworth Football Club$32,778.50
Beechworth Cricket Club$5,000

What is happening and when?

Works commenced in March and scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2024.

What will be the impact of these works?

The existing oval lighting will remain operational, until the new lights have been installed and commissioned, at which point the existing floodlighting infrastructure will be decommissioned. All construction activities will be coordinated in consultation with representatives of the relevant clubs to minimise disruption during this period.

  • Friday 21 June update

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    The new floodlights are almost ready for use, with the light poles installed this week.

    Works to connect the electricity and lighting controls should be completed in the next few weeks and weather permitting, the lights should be ready for use by the first week of July.

  • Friday 24 May update

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    Site works recommenced this week, with the pole foundations for the new lights poles now in place.

    The pole sections have also arrived ready for assembly.

  • Thursday 28 March update

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    Site works began this week, with trenching to allow for the electrical supply to the new light poles currently underway.

  • Friday 15 March update

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    Site works to prepare for the new floodlights are scheduled to begin next week.

    The works, which include trenching, underground electrical works, pit installation and laying of the pole foundations will take approximately four weeks before the new lights are installed in June.

    There will be minimal disruption while works are underway and the existing lighting will still be operational.

Page last updated: 20 Jun 2024, 03:30 PM