Yackandandah Golf Club Clubhouse

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About this project

We're demolishing the existing clubrooms and toilets at the Yackandandah Golf Club and replacing them with an upgraded, accessible and fit for purpose modular clubroom which will include a kitchen, bar, storage and toilets (including an accessible toilet).

Why is this project being undertaken?

The upgrade of the clubrooms and toilets was identified as a priority during the development of our Active Indigo Sport and Recreation Plan 2018-2026. The Yackandandah Golf Club's five-year strategic direction plan in 2021 also identified the clubhouse upgrade as a priority.

How is it being funded?

This project is being partially funded by the Victorian Government's Local Community Sport and Recreation Projects Program.

Funding Contributor
Victorian Government Local Community and Sport Recreation Projects$250,000
Indigo Shire Council$235,548

What is happening and when?

While demolition and construction dates are to be confirmed, the clubhouse will be closed during demolition until the new modular clubhouse is completed and opened.

About this project

We're demolishing the existing clubrooms and toilets at the Yackandandah Golf Club and replacing them with an upgraded, accessible and fit for purpose modular clubroom which will include a kitchen, bar, storage and toilets (including an accessible toilet).

Why is this project being undertaken?

The upgrade of the clubrooms and toilets was identified as a priority during the development of our Active Indigo Sport and Recreation Plan 2018-2026. The Yackandandah Golf Club's five-year strategic direction plan in 2021 also identified the clubhouse upgrade as a priority.

How is it being funded?

This project is being partially funded by the Victorian Government's Local Community Sport and Recreation Projects Program.

Funding Contributor
Victorian Government Local Community and Sport Recreation Projects$250,000
Indigo Shire Council$235,548

What is happening and when?

While demolition and construction dates are to be confirmed, the clubhouse will be closed during demolition until the new modular clubhouse is completed and opened.

Page last updated: 11 Apr 2024, 10:00 AM