What does tree canopy mean?

    Tree canopy’ is our way of referring to Indigo Shire's tree population, and includes trees of all types and sizes across public and private land.

    Why do we need a Tree Canopy Strategy?

    As the climate changes, and our towns and communities evolve, our tree canopy is vulnerable and will decline, if not managed appropriately.

    To reverse this trend, the strategy sets our objectives and targets for the long-term protection, management, and planting of trees across Indigo Shire.

    By strategically protecting, managing, and planting trees, we will maximise the benefits of our tree canopy and minimise tree risks, particularly those associated with bushfires and storms.

    What will be covered in the strategy?

    The strategy will set our vision, objectives and targets for the long-term protection, management, and planting of trees in Indigo Shire. We'll map out our key objectives and  related actions will be outlined in an Implementation Plan.

    As a broad overview, proposed actions to protect, manage and plant trees will apply as follows:

    • Council wide – protect and manage trees
    • Urban areas – plant trees in priority locations where canopy cover is low or declining.

    What is not covered by the strategy?

    The strategy will not:

    • cover the protection, management, or planting of trees on land managed by other agencies, such as national parks and state forests
    • be a street tree masterplan whereby we dictate what tree species will be planted along which streets - it will map how we manage, protect and enhance our tree population

    It also isn't about specific tree related concerns or requests, should you wish to provide feedback or raise a particular tree issue with us, for example, a tree on your nature strip, the best way to do so is to complete our service request and feedback form.