Draft Privacy Policy

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Consultation process

We invited community members to review and make submissions on our draft Privacy Policy for 30 days following the March 2024 Council meeting.

Why did we consult?

The Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (the Act) requires that all organisations within the Victorian Public Sector, including councils, collect, disseminate and use any personal information in accordance with a set of prescribed Information Privacy Principles (IPPs). The IPPs describe how personal and sensitive information is to be managed.

Council last adopted a privacy policy in June 2022 and upon updating it with proposed changes, we sought community feedback.

What did we hear?

No submissions were received during the 30-day public exhibition period.

What happens next?

At the March Council meeting, Council resolved that the policy be automatically adopted if no submissions were received.

Accordingly the updated policy is adopted as at 27 April 2024.

Consultation process

We invited community members to review and make submissions on our draft Privacy Policy for 30 days following the March 2024 Council meeting.

Why did we consult?

The Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (the Act) requires that all organisations within the Victorian Public Sector, including councils, collect, disseminate and use any personal information in accordance with a set of prescribed Information Privacy Principles (IPPs). The IPPs describe how personal and sensitive information is to be managed.

Council last adopted a privacy policy in June 2022 and upon updating it with proposed changes, we sought community feedback.

What did we hear?

No submissions were received during the 30-day public exhibition period.

What happens next?

At the March Council meeting, Council resolved that the policy be automatically adopted if no submissions were received.

Accordingly the updated policy is adopted as at 27 April 2024.

Page last updated: 29 Apr 2024, 09:16 AM