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What are your Shire-wide priorities?

We're using our existing Council Plan themes and key strategic objectives to shape this survey.

Your rankings and feedback will help us understand your priorities as well as provide valuable insights into what you think we're doing well or need to improve.

As a result of your feedback, collected from all of the engagement opportunities, the themes in the next Council Plan may look and sound a little different.

0% answered

Communities - We aim for strong, resilient, and inclusive communities where everyone feels safe, valued, and connected.
Liveability - Our towns are inviting and well-connected, with growth that respects our unique character and environment.
Prosperity - We strive for a diverse economy that attracts new investments and job opportunities, making our Shire a top destination for visitors and new residents.
Environment - We are dedicated to protecting our natural landscapes and addressing climate change.
Accountability - We promise transparent decision-making, sound financial management, and keeping our community informed and engaged.