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ENGAGED INDIGO is Council's online community engagement site. This is where you can help inform Council’s decision-making by sharing your ideas or feedback on a variety of projects. You can also get updates on projects and hear about how your input has contributed to Council’s decisions.

All Council projects that require community engagement are guided by our Community Engagement Strategy and Community Engagement Policy.(External link)

Why is Indigo Shire using an online public engagement platform?

Public engagement has traditionally involved attending forums, public meetings, drop-in sessions or completing simple surveys. Using an online public engagement platform will help us to reach more residents and provide an opportunity to provide input on projects and to bring ideas forward.

  • It is a great way to keep up-to-date and provide input.
  • View comments and input that other residents are providing and respond with your own views.
  • An opportunity to participate without having to attend a public engagement session.

Why do I need to register to participate in certain engagement opportunities?

Registration is quick and easy and will make it easier for you to participate in projects that interest you.

We ask for your name and email address and a few other details such as gender, age and location so that we can better understand who we're hearing from and make sure we get a broad cross section of our community. It also ensures discussions and results are not manipulated by someone leaving multiple comments to support their own position.

However, some engagement opportunities such as quick polls and surveys may not require registration.

For transparency, your feedback may be published as part of reporting, however, we respect your privacy and all identifying information will be removed and your feedback kept anonymous. Refer is my privacy protected?

Can I only have my say online?

This platform is a convenient and easy way to engage with us. It helps to ensure that we hear from a diverse range of community members offering a broad range of perspectives.

It doesn't replace, but complements traditional face-to-face engagement activities including workshops, forums, and drop-in sessions.

What happens to my input?

All comments, ideas and suggestions are collated into a report which is given to Council and shared with the community so that everyone can see all the feedback that was received. The community's input is used to inform Council decision making processes for the development of strategies, policies, projects and activities. Online feedback is used in conjunction with other face-to-face consultation activities.

Is my privacy protected?

Absolutely! Council will only use your email to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations. Your email address will not be distributed to any third party or used for any other purposes.

More information is available in our Privacy Policy.


ENGAGED INDIGO is Council's online community engagement site. This is where you can help inform Council’s decision-making by sharing your ideas or feedback on a variety of projects. You can also get updates on projects and hear about how your input has contributed to Council’s decisions.

All Council projects that require community engagement are guided by our Community Engagement Strategy and Community Engagement Policy.(External link)

Why is Indigo Shire using an online public engagement platform?

Public engagement has traditionally involved attending forums, public meetings, drop-in sessions or completing simple surveys. Using an online public engagement platform will help us to reach more residents and provide an opportunity to provide input on projects and to bring ideas forward.

  • It is a great way to keep up-to-date and provide input.
  • View comments and input that other residents are providing and respond with your own views.
  • An opportunity to participate without having to attend a public engagement session.

Why do I need to register to participate in certain engagement opportunities?

Registration is quick and easy and will make it easier for you to participate in projects that interest you.

We ask for your name and email address and a few other details such as gender, age and location so that we can better understand who we're hearing from and make sure we get a broad cross section of our community. It also ensures discussions and results are not manipulated by someone leaving multiple comments to support their own position.

However, some engagement opportunities such as quick polls and surveys may not require registration.

For transparency, your feedback may be published as part of reporting, however, we respect your privacy and all identifying information will be removed and your feedback kept anonymous. Refer is my privacy protected?

Can I only have my say online?

This platform is a convenient and easy way to engage with us. It helps to ensure that we hear from a diverse range of community members offering a broad range of perspectives.

It doesn't replace, but complements traditional face-to-face engagement activities including workshops, forums, and drop-in sessions.

What happens to my input?

All comments, ideas and suggestions are collated into a report which is given to Council and shared with the community so that everyone can see all the feedback that was received. The community's input is used to inform Council decision making processes for the development of strategies, policies, projects and activities. Online feedback is used in conjunction with other face-to-face consultation activities.

Is my privacy protected?

Absolutely! Council will only use your email to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations. Your email address will not be distributed to any third party or used for any other purposes.

More information is available in our Privacy Policy.

Page last updated: 18 Aug 2023, 11:44 AM