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Local estate agents survey – property outlook

Indigo Shire Council is keen to hear from Real Estate Agency operators to better understand how supply and availability of residential housing, rentals and vacant land impacts the economic vitality and workforce development of our Shire.

We're also interested to understand more about demand for and availability of industrial and commercial land in the Shire’s townships to support small business and trades activity.

We ask that in answering these questions consideration is given to impacts on the Indigo LGA area specifically. Responses will be reported as aggregated data only. 

Maximum 255 characters



In which town(s) or community do you list, sell and manage rental property?  (Tick all that apply)

* required

Compared to 2020 – 2023, has buyer interest in all property types and locations generally.....?

* required

What property types are in most demand by current buyers? (tick top 3)

* required

What property types are in shortest supply at the moment? (tick top 3):

* required

Which of these statements best describes the local market for RESIDENTIAL LAND in early 2024?

* required

Which of these statements best describes the local market for INDUSTRIAL LAND in early 2024?

* required

Since 2020, what change have you noticed in buyer appetite for residential rental property investment?

* required

What are the main factors influencing the appetite for rental investment? (top 3)

* required

Maximum 255 characters



What statement best describes the rental market going forward in 2024?

* required
Local buyers have been displaced by more able external buyers?