Draft Chiltern Land Precinct Plan

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Consultation process

During mid-March to mid-April 2023 we sought input from the Chiltern community on its vision and ideas for the future use of the Chiltern land and to develop a draft precinct plan.

Key statistics regarding participation and community consultation to date are as follows:

  • A total of 40 days of community engagement (between March 20 – April 30)
  • 151 survey responses (including hardcopy and online survey)
  • 2 primary school sessions with 50 grade 5 students across the two schools.
  • 100+ attendees at the Community Launch Event
  • 73 ideas posted on the Ideas Board at the Community Launch Event
  • 3 x CWG meetings and workshops

We ran a face-to-face engagement session in Martins Lane on 25 March with over 100 people, obtained written responses via a mail out to 750 residents and captured online input from residents. We also worked with both the Chiltern Primary School and St Joseph's Primary School to obtain young people's input on the site.

We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to provide us with valuable feedback as well as the Community Working Group for their help in promoting the consultation process.

Why did we consult?

In December 2021, Council purchased two parcels of private land in Chiltern, after the Chiltern Place Plan identified the need for Council to support small to medium sized business growth via industrial land development.

The two parcels are located opposite the Council depot; Lot One fronts Beechworth Road, Anderson Road, Waterloo Road and the railway line, while Lot Two fronts Waterloo Road and the Railway Access Road.

The consultation feedback will help Council understand community ideas for the site to inform a draft precinct plan.

What did we find out?

Click here to view or download the engagement summary report.

What happens next?

The engagement data will be used to draft a Precinct Plan for the site. This is a visual layout, providing conceptual ideas of how the site could be used. The Community Working Group will then receive the engagement report and meet to review the Precinct Plan. The Precinct Plan will then progress to Council for endorsement and additional public exhibition.

Consultation process

During mid-March to mid-April 2023 we sought input from the Chiltern community on its vision and ideas for the future use of the Chiltern land and to develop a draft precinct plan.

Key statistics regarding participation and community consultation to date are as follows:

  • A total of 40 days of community engagement (between March 20 – April 30)
  • 151 survey responses (including hardcopy and online survey)
  • 2 primary school sessions with 50 grade 5 students across the two schools.
  • 100+ attendees at the Community Launch Event
  • 73 ideas posted on the Ideas Board at the Community Launch Event
  • 3 x CWG meetings and workshops

We ran a face-to-face engagement session in Martins Lane on 25 March with over 100 people, obtained written responses via a mail out to 750 residents and captured online input from residents. We also worked with both the Chiltern Primary School and St Joseph's Primary School to obtain young people's input on the site.

We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to provide us with valuable feedback as well as the Community Working Group for their help in promoting the consultation process.

Why did we consult?

In December 2021, Council purchased two parcels of private land in Chiltern, after the Chiltern Place Plan identified the need for Council to support small to medium sized business growth via industrial land development.

The two parcels are located opposite the Council depot; Lot One fronts Beechworth Road, Anderson Road, Waterloo Road and the railway line, while Lot Two fronts Waterloo Road and the Railway Access Road.

The consultation feedback will help Council understand community ideas for the site to inform a draft precinct plan.

What did we find out?

Click here to view or download the engagement summary report.

What happens next?

The engagement data will be used to draft a Precinct Plan for the site. This is a visual layout, providing conceptual ideas of how the site could be used. The Community Working Group will then receive the engagement report and meet to review the Precinct Plan. The Precinct Plan will then progress to Council for endorsement and additional public exhibition.

Page last updated: 10 Jan 2024, 12:22 PM