Beechworth Pool Liner

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About this project

Installation of a new pool liner at the Beechworth Pool, located in Harper Street.

Why is this project being undertaken?

The existing pool liner, installed in 2007 is reaching the end of its life expectancy and needs to be replaced. A new pool liner will improve reliability and ensure continued operations of the pool.

How is it being funded?

Council has allocated $160,000 in the 2023/24 budget to fund this project.


In 2007 during routine pool commissioning, the Beechworth pool shell cracked resulting in the pool’s closure for the 2007/2008 season.

A pool liner was installed as part of rectification works in 2008 and the pool has successfully operated for all subsequent seasons.

A pool liner has a life expectancy of approximately 15 years and assessments conducted in 2018 and 2019 estimated that the pool liner had a life expectancy of four to five years.

In response to this assessment and informed by the 2021 Beechworth Pool Feasibility Study, Council committed $160,000 to replace the liner in its 2022/23 budget, which has been carried forward to 2023/24.

What is happening and when?

Now that the 2023/24 pool season has been completed, the liner has been removed from the pool and assessments of its concrete shell are currently underway.

About this project

Installation of a new pool liner at the Beechworth Pool, located in Harper Street.

Why is this project being undertaken?

The existing pool liner, installed in 2007 is reaching the end of its life expectancy and needs to be replaced. A new pool liner will improve reliability and ensure continued operations of the pool.

How is it being funded?

Council has allocated $160,000 in the 2023/24 budget to fund this project.


In 2007 during routine pool commissioning, the Beechworth pool shell cracked resulting in the pool’s closure for the 2007/2008 season.

A pool liner was installed as part of rectification works in 2008 and the pool has successfully operated for all subsequent seasons.

A pool liner has a life expectancy of approximately 15 years and assessments conducted in 2018 and 2019 estimated that the pool liner had a life expectancy of four to five years.

In response to this assessment and informed by the 2021 Beechworth Pool Feasibility Study, Council committed $160,000 to replace the liner in its 2022/23 budget, which has been carried forward to 2023/24.

What is happening and when?

Now that the 2023/24 pool season has been completed, the liner has been removed from the pool and assessments of its concrete shell are currently underway.

Page last updated: 17 Apr 2024, 02:00 PM