Australia Day Review

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Consultation process

In July 2023, we sought community feedback regarding how Council contributes to Australia Day functions and the Australia Day Award process.

We had a huge response to our survey, with almost 700 respondents.

We'd like to thank everyone who took the time to provide us with valuable feedback.

Why did we consult?

This engagement opportunity was a direct action of our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan, which Council adopted in April 2022.

The feedback captured will be used to help consider Council’s ongoing activities on Australia Day as well as its financial contribution to Australia Day events.

We also sought feedback on how Council can best acknowledge outstanding community participation, which is currently being done through Council’s Australia Day Awards process which includes:

  • Indigo Shire Citizen of the Year
  • Indigo Shire Young Citizen of the Year
  • Indigo Shire Community Organisation of the Year
  • Emma George Junior Sporting Scholarship

What did we find out?

We received almost 800 survey responses, with 90% indicating support for Council to publicly recognise community contributions through community awards, and 66% of respondents were supportive of these awards being presented on Australia Day.

There was also strong support for Council to continue to provide financial and in-kind support to community organising committees to conduct Australia Day functions and awards.

What happens next?

At the September 2023 Council be meeting, Council endorsed the working group's recommendations that the 2024 events and activities remain unchanged, and that guidance be provided to event organising committees to improve community awareness regarding sensitivities of the day for Aboriginal and Torres Strait island communities.

The working group also recommended that Council continues discussions with Traditional Owner groups across the Shire to incorporate their views on Council activities including Australia Day functions.

Consultation process

In July 2023, we sought community feedback regarding how Council contributes to Australia Day functions and the Australia Day Award process.

We had a huge response to our survey, with almost 700 respondents.

We'd like to thank everyone who took the time to provide us with valuable feedback.

Why did we consult?

This engagement opportunity was a direct action of our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan, which Council adopted in April 2022.

The feedback captured will be used to help consider Council’s ongoing activities on Australia Day as well as its financial contribution to Australia Day events.

We also sought feedback on how Council can best acknowledge outstanding community participation, which is currently being done through Council’s Australia Day Awards process which includes:

  • Indigo Shire Citizen of the Year
  • Indigo Shire Young Citizen of the Year
  • Indigo Shire Community Organisation of the Year
  • Emma George Junior Sporting Scholarship

What did we find out?

We received almost 800 survey responses, with 90% indicating support for Council to publicly recognise community contributions through community awards, and 66% of respondents were supportive of these awards being presented on Australia Day.

There was also strong support for Council to continue to provide financial and in-kind support to community organising committees to conduct Australia Day functions and awards.

What happens next?

At the September 2023 Council be meeting, Council endorsed the working group's recommendations that the 2024 events and activities remain unchanged, and that guidance be provided to event organising committees to improve community awareness regarding sensitivities of the day for Aboriginal and Torres Strait island communities.

The working group also recommended that Council continues discussions with Traditional Owner groups across the Shire to incorporate their views on Council activities including Australia Day functions.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please provide your input by indicating how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 10 Jan 2024, 02:15 PM